Contribute by Phone

To make a credit card contribution by phone, please call 301.529.7684.
For information about planned giving or contributing through your IRA, please call or e-mail Tom Evert at 301.529.7684, or e-mail

Contribute by Mail

You may send your contribution to:
291 E 222nd Street
Euclid, OH 44123

Appreciated Assets

By donating an appreciated asset to DanceEvert, you may benefit from an income tax
charitable deduction at the current market value and not pay capital gains on the asset.

You can transfer stock directly to the DanceEvert by contacting your broker and providing the
following information:

You can transfer mutual funds shares by sending a Letter of Instruction to your financial
services firm instructing them to send shares to:

291 E 222 nd ST, Euclid, OH 44123
Tax ID #34-1533553
Key Bank Investments Account #

The Letter of Instruction must contain the mutual fund share symbol and the approximate share quantity so that a unique BIN Number can be created for the transfer. The BIN Number will be provided to you so that you can forwarded it to whomever is processing the donation transfer for you.

Contribute through your IRA Account

Are you 70 1/2 or older? You may consider giving a tax-efficient gift from your IRA to the DanceEvert. With the recent new Tax Law, the IRA charitable rollover rule has been made permanent.

Requirements and Restrictions apply:

  • Must be 70 ½ years or older
  • Must make your gift directly from your IRA account
  • Gifts to all charities cannot exceed a total of $100,000 per taxpayer per year
  • Gifts cannot be made to a donor advised fund, supporting organization, or private foundation.
  • No charitable deduction is allowed, and it is not included in taxable income
  • Gifts must come from an IRA account. Other retirement accounts (i.e. 401(k), 403(b) are not eligible)
  • Charitable gift cannot provide the donor with material benefits

To make a gift please send a letter to your IRA administrator to request a direct charitable distribution to the DanceEvert, and the amount you wish to donate. The letter should include the PTDF’s Tax ID number: 34-1533553.


More information on the IRS’ website about Qualified Charitable Distribution:

The information provided does not constitute legal, tax, or other professional advice and should not be relied upon as such. Always consult your own advisor before making any gift that has tax implications, particularly where your state’s income tax law may differ from the federal law.

Please call or e-mail Tom Evert at 301.529.7684 or to let us know you are transferring stock and/or mutual fund shares.